Thursday, August 12, 2010


Thursday, August 12, 2010
Indeoendence of INDIA, I think, was as a result of Post WORLD WAR II, bringing about the Economic strain and collapse of Global economy , making it a burden oan any Feudal/ Colonial world-power and ,also, too heavy to hold colonies on its Broken-shoulder(British/ French Etc).
The Non -violence of Gandhi might have been a strong Factor but not the whoele story/history of the AFTER MATH, other than a CO-INCIDENCE.

Even Otherwise, My Mother-India was torn off into PIECES and my own Mother-state , BENGAL was severed into two i,e Bamgladesh and West BENGAL. I shall never accept that, - INDIAN-INDEPENDENCE was, in any way, NON-VIOLENT gift to us with BENGAL and PUNJAB brutally incised into TWO Parts ,-each each.
Even the warring and defeated GERMANY has been United into ONE , since , while East Punjab and West bangal are still two amputated Tragic STATES in INDIA.

And ! whom should I thank for or be grateful to ,for this tragic SURGERY on the back-drop of United Germany ?
Posted by Phani Basu at 7:12 PM 0 comments

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