Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Channel 11 (Star Anand) Talks (8 pm - 9pm) :
COMMENT : There were lot of dialogue simuating Intellectual exchanges and most of buddhi-jibi-s saying more without moving to the centre . This reminded me of famous story of 'blind men' trying to describe an elephant.
No body could conclude the real character of 'political dialogue.'

To me ,most often Political dialogues are initiated - not to find out a solution but , cleverly , to travel with time and wait for each one's advantage. It is , most often like a Chess game , making subtle move to get more time.
Yet these Buddhijibi-s wanted to find big meaning and chsnce of Solution in Poitical diaogue whether in Lalgarh - effort or Central Govt's effort in kashmir ,
If you want to solve a problem , start a Dialogue. And if you want to evade an issue , also, start and CONTINUE the dialogue i.e Dialogue can be a good weapon to kill time. That 's how and why the word 'Dialogue' is so popular in Poitical arena.

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