Saturday, September 10, 2011


I read , recenty in T.O.I,Kalkata that NEETISH FUMAR, CM of BIHAR. Consficated the Palatial Houseof a CORRUPT IAS officer and turned it into a SCHOOL.
My ---'Hats off' to him ! as if I am re-Introduced to a ROBINHOOD-STORY of 21st CENTURY ! and that too from a State that was famous for FODDER - SCHEME - Land where re-incarnated (Some) 'lord' managed all GO-MATA"S food/fodder as solid -weath.

WHY This bold and 'People's prorgramme' can not be adapted by changing the Law in favour of PEOPLE.
( Except in some 'WASTE LAND' where great KILLING - SPORT IS ON as NOVEL industry of Producing Fertiliser (Bone - dust ) from people's SKELETONS and it may take some more time to make the land more fertile.

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