Thursday, September 8, 2011


Now is the Tornedo of discontent
Every party know me as honest but 'WEAK'
even some leaders think I am Spne-less
---what ?
that is enugh for today ;
but don't call me CORRUPT
If You do, - I may call 'them' COWARD
well , I am retracting the word here and now-
(if not permitted by Madam )
know , we have to obey he rule
but where is the prince, I was directed to
look after him.
Oh ! here he comes to replace me
and perhaps to take over
like 'Richard the 3rd'
I want to say
"my Post, - for my car -my car
but please don't call me spine -less,
see I am so Strong with her support that
I dare to call the terorists -'Coward' !
they shound not be angry and do again strike.
If they do , I promise . I shall cal them cowards
but if the Madam sanctions it.

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