Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Amar Singh arrested, sent to Tihar in cash-for-votes case

NDTV Correspondent, Tuesday September 6, 2011, New Delhi

When whole Nation is affected by a single act of BRIBERY (Cash-for -vote), it is not only CORRUPTION but ANTI-National CRIME and is even worse than Trrorism !
More big the involved the one is , BIGGER in Proportion should be the punishment.
It is an act of TREASON !

Cash -for -vote
or Nation for sale
for power ; greed or
wealth or either or
and people's fate
Matters not; and
The tragic tale
now unfold !
SEEM, DEFECTIVE DEMOCRACY needs JUDICIARY to tkke over, PRO-ACTIVELY, when existing DEMOCRACY has become Crippled by getting FILLED with large number of CORRUPT PARLIAMENTARIANS cum POLITICIANS.
AND present SC with APEX BODY is like DIVINE's messenger with EXECUTIVE POWER. Reminds me The Geeta; Ch, 4/7; (jajdaa-hi dharmasya glaanirbhabati Bhatata........Tad Atmaanang Srijamyaham)!
Greater PRADOX :
The Judiciary is already OVER_-Burdened , and a gentle man or a lady can not get judgement he/she is on 'Q' line for the "dead" or 25 Yrs.-minimum, which ever is more. Now this Divine's Blessing is more absorbed in handling VIP 'Mafias' and Corrupt' 'P-Ps"(politicians & parliamentarians).
The remedy is Bharat ( i do not like the word India- a greek slang)should have a JUdiciary expanded to the PANCHAYET LEVEL for benifit for the rea Bharat.
Somebody decared to hang the corrupt by the next 'Light-POST'. Now his decendants are 'LOOTOG' the COMMON- MAJORITY-POOR through SCAMS and SCHEMES and VOTES.

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