Monday, June 13, 2011

TIP OF ICE-BERG Called ' 2 G ': (India Issue )

"Pranab wanted PM unde local ambit : ....Moily 7 chimbaram supported FM " - Times of India , kolkata, tuesday, June 14, 2011, -p-7
COMMENT : Well, 'm,mm --! That was another time with another PM .
And now it is SURVIVAL GAME ! and real 'POLITIC', when even an honest
( masked/UN-masked) PM may be involved in 'Abatement of Crime '!

" one can smile and smile and be a villain " - Shakespeare

"Will pvt. firms give details of ownership ?
__________-Why not, unless the govt, allows 'Benami' illegality.

But is there a law ?
___________ I do not know . If there is not ---- make it . Discard any old or
mossy law . Make new road, that's Divine rule.

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