Saturday, June 4, 2011

"THE DIE IS CAST " - Dickens

Comments: Read | Post Baba Ramdev evicted after lathicharge, tear gas shells
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: June 05, 2011 08:41 IST
'Evicted after Lathicharge'
PHYSIOGNOMY is a Science and very helpful in Clinical Medicine also . It is a Science and Art of observing the nature of a thing or character of a person by looking at his face.
Ramdev being a Yogi should have studied the faces that were 'playing Chess ' with him. He should have known the shape of a 'Hawkish Face, in front of him. He did not .....! and the outcome was as it came out.
Even YUDHISTHIR was not a 'gifted' payer in the game of DICE (Paashaa Khela).
" The die is cast and all is over" -Micawber, - David copper field of Dickens.

.....But maybe , it is not !

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