Monday, June 20, 2011

C.B.I NOW AND THEN ! ; (India Issue )

Government defends CBI's exemption from RTI, cites national security
NDTV Correspondent, Monday June 20, 2011, New Delhi

The Government says it is working for a tough anti-corruption body through the Lokpal Bill. But it is now defending its action of shielding the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) from the Right to Information (RTI) Act.

Before SUPREME COURT Stepping in to monitor, what was the real ID of C.B.I ?
Was it independent and 'free' or an 'instrument' of Center to manipulate ? Who knows ? !
Therefore base on the opinion given to us by the Attorney General, we have done it (exempted the CBI)," V Narayanaswamy, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, told NDTV [see above]
Even the PM is only a Party-Nominee and not elected by Indian people by ALL -INDIA basis ( like in U.S.A ). So 1 , until the Constitution is amended , i think , even the PM -post should be within LOKPAL BILL.
Who knows who will be made the next PM as it is already issue raised by one Congress Gen. Secretary and initiating a 'stormy noise'.

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