Monday, June 6, 2011


PM speaks on Baba Ramdev controversy
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: June 06, 2011 21:19 IST

"It is unfortunate that operation had to be conducted but quite honestly, there was no alternative," Dr Manmohan Singh said about the police's dismantling of Baba Ramdev's camp against corruption over the weekend. ...............
Some of the sharpest words against the government came from senior Congress leader and known Gandhi family loyalist Anil Shastri who tweeted, "What happened last night at Ramlila Grounds in Delhi was unfortunate and avoidable." Another tweet stressed, "It is Manmohan Singh govt. Was not a party decision."

Sources say the Congress was also upset about the government's decision to send four ministers to receive Baba Ramdev when he arrived in Delhi early last week. The ministers greeted the yoga icon at the airport and then spent hours with him at the airport lounge running over the list of demands he presented -
Mr Shastri apparently agrees. "Indira ji or Rajiv ji would not have sent their Ministers to airport to placate a 'Baba' arriving in a private jet," he said in another tweet.
Yesterday, the government and the Congress both expressed dramatically different versions of who sanctioned the police action against the Baba. Senior minister Kapil Sibal said the party was aware of the plan; Congress General Secretary Digvijaya Singh said that was not the case.
The Party Vs the Govt
COMMENT : Whom to believe and how to measure ?
Without Supreme Court pro-actively watiching the GOVT. , the Common people
can only pray !

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