Sunday, June 12, 2011

Corruption-Black-money & Common Goal (India-issue)

Baba Ramdev ends his fast after 9 days
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: June 12, 2011 13:43 IST
Good news for the Nation for contibued battle for a noble cause. Sri Sri Ravishakar should also be persuaded to get involved to teach 'Art of iving' to the ministers who in thiet declaration assetts show a hose valued less than Rs one lakh (in Delhi/Chandigarh) while it maybe worth more than 8-10 crores. This is neither honesty by any standard of measure!

Next step should be a Joint-statement by thise 'magnificent three' to carry on the Totch unto the ,finish-line,.

Crime and Corruption has myriad faces and even otherwise, abetment of crime through sheltering criminals and allowing them excute their plans can be criminal actions under IPC.

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