Thursday, April 7, 2011


1. Why Mr. Sibal is afraid of a precedence?
Every issue Dynamic, Creative ,original and imaginative has to start with a precedence.
2. It is strange that the PM has no better man than Mr. Sibal as his representative when Mr. sibal himself was so severely criticised by SUPREME COURT for his quality of analysis of C.A.G report on 2 G Scam ( taking Raja's side ).
Maybe, PM is, I think, running short of suitable hands
3. Now the fasting A, Hazare has declined the request of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi to give up his Fast. This is very interesting that One Ghadian is at one side fighting out the menace of Corruption while the other Gandhi (is she also a Gandhian? - I don't know) is on the other end representing the side harbouring Corruption. It looks like Ghandhian Vs Gandhi Phenomenon!
4. While the life of a crusader fighting Corruption is at stake , the Govt, seems dragging its feet like a Drugged and Drowsy Physician.

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