Friday, April 8, 2011

(? )PM Playing host to Corruption ! [ India issue ]

" PM at the receiving end of popular Criticism" - T.O.I, Kolkata, (9,april,'11,P-7
COMMENT : None to weep for him. He is getting only what he deserved.
Personal honesty has not even one naya paise value , if one is on position & ruling the Couuntry.
A l ruler's wrong step takes the counyry at least a decade behind. and the honest (?) PM has taken, I think, quite a few wrong steps and corruption is now growing , under his eyes , like breeding rats .
I am registered with no Political Party and am a Democratic-Socialist in my personal poise.
I supported left front oftener but dislike it now for its degeneration & lingering -greed.Even otherwise, no party should rule forever or too long at a stress. Even the best Administrator in Service retires ,when old. There should be stop in between.
And I intend not to vote some party to be in Power but shall vote some party to be in strong and effective opposition to keep a ruling party in good check and balance.

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