Monday, April 11, 2011

S - Virus in LOKPAL -Bill drafting ( India Issue )

"Times of ; India ; Dt.12 April,2011, P-1

"Anna , Sibal Spar over graft panel" ...." Anna hazare retorting that the minister should quit the committee intended to draft the bill"
Comment : But he won't . He is, I think , determined like some-brand of adhesive glue to stick to the post, to spoil the effort at its very begining. He seems like some character of Shakespeare's play or maybe, and i think ,(again) he is responding to some invisible directives.
And how is it that all members from the Govt side come from a single party of a qualition Govt ! ! G.O.K (God only knows).

Many things need to be cleaned up including Present Administrative technology to stall or kill the bil or time. All PLANS SHOULD BE MADE TIME-BOUND . Not like this L-P bill of 4 decades old and still dancing like a puppet - show !

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