Monday, April 11, 2011

A TALE OF TWO SIBALS ( India -Issue)

Article Comments Anna Vs Kapil Sibal on Lokpal Bill
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: April 11, 2011 15:36 IST
But in a case of public friction, Mr Hazare has said that Mr Sibal, who is the Telecom Minister, should not participate in the process of forming a new law if he doesn’t expect it to be effective.
First he says CAG report is wrong and get thrashed by SC . He smiles and accepts and tha's good.

Then, he crtes loud that A.Hazare's Lok Pal Bill will be in-effective and gets thrashed ,agatn by people of India.
He again smiles and joins the committee.
Is this not called the political Survival - potency or tenacity !

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