Saturday, April 9, 2011


TIMES OF INDIA ; KOLKATA,April 10, 2011 :" Cricketers' Gifts Came frpm Education funds" ..........
"It is audacious for State Govts to be so generous with Tax payers ' money".
I am I Tax payer myself. What right has any Govt, Central or States to steal Tax payers ' MONEY from funds other than alloted to sports to make gifts to M.S Dhoni's men or to Cricket which I do not accept any more a sport but a Corporate & Politician- Manipulated profit making, MATCH -Fixing High-Tech ,Ex-COLONIAL Upper Class device of Mass-Hypnotism or National-ADDICTING DEVICE.
I do not ,even , accept the term 'WPRLD-CUP', as no countries other than Past Colonial ones under British Imperial regime , I think, is a participant of this 'WHAT-CUP (?)'.
Nor it has the Status of any OLYMPIC GAME.
So I pray, request and invite my other Mentor A Hazare to take up the Issue and deal with this mass-addicting -sport(or corporate Business of Politics Or Film -world) and un-mask its deceptive face.
I am an Octogenerian and am ready to take up the role of fasting unto Death (In his place)or as Anna Hazare will direct me.
The other day , M.S. Dhoni suggested the name of Sachin Tendulkar for Bharat Ratna . To morrow Some Sibal may offer Bharat Ratna to Some Raja even-who knows !
I applogise to Sachin for mentioning his name (compulsion). This issue apart he is also my ideal in many other respect.
If State govt, or Cenyra Govt. Can start awarding Cricket players from Educattional fund, then to-morrow some PM may even, i think, award his favourite Cricketer from Prime Minister's Reief fund ,even !

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