Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It was long long time ago that I saw the Hollywood Classic and now to day, it was a reality show in Park Strret. Pictures were not only graphic and tragic but remind vividly the Tragedy of Modern city Life with high rise building without enough escape route.Some preferred to accept quick death by falling down than getting scorched and burnt over time.A number of them yung and cherishing dreams on their faces while prepaing to embrace death, beyond hellish fire...High -rise building or Death-trap !
________________________________________________________________________________________JATRI NIWAS : At SHIV MANDIR , C.R. PARK, NEW DELHI : Two months ahead I booked. !2 noon I checked In and found,the room was not yet ready.Two gentlemen were occupying the office Chairs and one of them (Mr. B.K. bhattacharya) was so absorbed in reading the NewsPaper that he seem to be annoyed for being asked about my room . He asked for my Voter card before even i had chance to take a seat,I tried to tell him that I had no Voter card as I was an O.C .I with duel citizenship.The gentleman seemed to have a dyspeptic face with Un-smiling look and tried to frighten me with police-consequences for not having a voting card. My O.c.I status made no meaning to him . however it was a long time after i could get into my room and reported the whole episode of 'Jatri Niryatan' to DR. Ananda Mukherjee, the President and since, I am still awaiting a reply.Other Jatri-s also told their sad experiences of indifferent attitude of organisation in public dealing. Sad ! Really Sad!

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