Friday, March 12, 2010


DAKSHWINESWAR TEMPLE (T.O.I12th March ; P -3 : Built by Rani Rashmoni and priest-hood given to Gadadhar's elder brother Ramkumar in 1850s He was teased as 'Kaibarter Bamun'.( Priest of Low Cast in the society.GaDADHAR stayed there for sometimes , then joined as priest , was discovered by both Rashmoni and Mathur(son -in -law) and then the divinity showered down on the Temple In next two decades after Gadadhar realised God and 'took the Heaven by storm ' - as SriAuroobindo said it. Vivekananda was not allowed to enter DAKSHINESWAR because he crosed 'Kala-Pani',the 20th. century RHishi described him in SYNTHESIS OF YOGA.....Then came Naren Datta thr Divine Rebel who was overwhelmed by a mere touch and rest is HISTORy unto the episode of world Religious conference in Chicago, Amerika.

Want to know the aftermath? Vivekananda was not allowed to enter the Dakshineshwar Temple because he crossed 'KALA-pANI'.AND RAMAKRISHNA 'S 12 DISCIPLES TOOK THEIR GURU TO baranagar/kashipore to look after him and to arrange for his treatment.

And Dakshineswaer now as usual, a Mythical place of Religion and Commerce. (contd)

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