Monday, March 29, 2010


I feel so proud to have Titled the Stephen Court Tragedy as "Murder She Wrote'.
Maybe it was intuition 1 But now it is revealed the West Bengal Govt. is the owner of Stephen Court , neglected and evaded her responsibility since Independence, then congress then others , then C.P.M/ U.F govt for 70 - 80 years until the the govt itself is now found as a the landlord and also Murderer of At least 34 people. The left front now is the accuser and the Accused. Very Interesting picture of a very Tragic Drama in real life... Come Dear, all involved Authorities and even if wearing 'masks' ,-now admit it. But does an authority ever hand-cuffs itself? Of course there will be 'investigation, Commissions.other administrative loop-holes to dance out a few more decades. ...And the dead men have no voice or 'appealing court!
Dear M Hussein, Sir , No use now,I Think, remembering INDIRA for Your Rescue--..... Live with dignity to respect you Age and Paying back some price for ddishonouring the faith and religion of a majority group pf people. You are a Great talent, I think. But do not exploit your own talent commercially which you, i think, have done many times before. Rather paint some 'Nude' of those who are trying to help you. True Artists don't cry hoarse for the past or loss of the present.Name and fame are also mere baubles on Canvas of Time-space.

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