Tuesday, March 16, 2010

SO ! .....What !.. And why not ! - RAMDEV

If Crooks can Start 'Satyam, Mafias - 'Vedic ' scam and even even modern Swamijis practice 'KHAJURAHO"-Art of BODY -MIND (without soul), Why RAMDEV can not revert to POlitics to meet 'Other Gods' !
Welcome Sir ! Only if , You could make Mayavati Join , then nothing would be impossible.
Until then ,Like Ekalabya ,Ramdev should build a 100 ft statue of her [black money is spontaneous like Dark Energy] to be in Guinness Book Of record.In Golden Bharat, Even Charvak had his freedom of expressions and style.
_______________________________________________________________________________________ T.O.I News dt. 17.03.10 : Idians (58%)Defecates in the open. SO ! - What ? If America was India's size and with its population , they might have to defecate in their bedrooms.
My anatomy professor told us in my medical study-course : " don't forget the truth that your anus is cleane than your mouth which infests more dirty germs than your bottom'. That is true; afterward I learnt. It also means 59 % of poor Indians fertilise each day, the fertile land of india on which grow our good vegitables and thus they survive and re-produce while the western world suffers from onfertility.

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