Sunday, March 28, 2010


Any one or any group , any society or any authority that indulge in cutting flower-stems holding flowers and buds and or make Bouquet to please their friends or lovers or leaders or beloved or present them in any Ceremonials , are in the subtle sense disguised 'MURDERERS'!
All plants , flowers and buds are loving entities and not meant for selfish joy of any one.
When you pluck a flower to win the heart of you 'Love' , know that you are, i think a hypocrite in disguise or evolutionary way , not yet evolved to a expanding level of consciousness.
When I see people with flowers and Bouquet in their hand and attend marriage party or ceremonies or even a funeral, it naturally comes to my inner self that they are all disguised criminals.
Of Course in living world every thing is designed as per necessity of living universe'
A meat shop owner or a fisher man , depending on for his living has the given condition do it for survival. But ,please, don't kill for your pleasure.! - Please.
But an Ex Vice-president (pre-fixing the word 'vice' is interesting !) after heavy meal and going for shooting and yet missing the aim and injuring a friend(not fatally) had no right to handle even a knife.

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