Saturday, March 13, 2010


Adolf. wanted to be an Artist but could only bevome Hitler!

SRK never could be an actor like Sanjib Kumar but became a big success as Entertainer in Bollywood and Now even a bigger Success in CRICKET's Business -ENTERPRISE [Crivket is no more a SPORT but a Great Match-Fixing Art for Commerce.

A few years Back I was in Barackpore and visited MANGAL Pandey's Ghat. And what relief to my eyes! ... Young man and women enjoying life while in embrace [eachother] in open lovers'show. Maybe, the park was convrted into a 'Lovers' Den '. There was no Rowdy 'muscles' there , like it was reported in Dakshineshwar just the other day.
May be they were in free-spirit seeking Mangal panday's blessing. Though a 'misfit'
I admired the peace and mood around and as the only senior citizen and without even my wife with me, had to leave in a hesty-retreat.

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