Saturday, March 13, 2010


[from Prev. Blog]So Rani RASMONI & MATHUR BABU both gone and SRI RANAKRISHNA taken care of by his 12 divinely Genius disciples, what was left behind was the material skeleton of the Masters ground of Divine play to be utilised in aftermath in another way.
Rivers and riversof water ran eversince through Ganga and after Swami Vivekananda's conquoesst of the world in spiritual way. When He returned, as already told , he was not allowed to enter that Dakshineshwar Temple.
And since I read and knew of that, I have stopprd visiting that place because, for me tradition and habits has no importance.................And waht is that Pancha-batee now where SriRanakrishna used to sit for Meditation ! That place is now a place of commerce for rowdy crowd with the help of security Guard ........................................ I dare say, - close it down !
There are other and better ways to remember Sri ramakrishna than making it like a commercial Market-Place.
What is the real value of Dakshineshwar , where Swami Vivekananda was not allowed to enter after his spiritual victory in America. Well, at least, don't make it a tourists' gossiping place. Popular commercialism is not for spiritual 'walk'.

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