Thursday, September 30, 2010


Vedanta submits report on Orissa plant to green panel
Press Trust of India, Updated: September 30, 2010 22:37 I
------------------------COMMENT : BY CONSTITUTIOAL AMENDMENT , the USE /ABUSE OF VEDANTIC Names by Mammon-world or Business Enterprises should be banned.The more spiritual names more CORRUPT Motive (Example ? -SATYM, Shivam, Vedanta etc etc)
If I Had the POWER ( which I shall never have in this life), I would have given the one- third od Ayodhya Verdict ( given to another Hindu group) to the other major Global reigion i.e Christian church to teach Old & New Testament.
It is not reformatory to give another third to a section of the same Religion or Faith. Of course this is UTOPIAN Dream -I know.
Finally all Religions must declare now, this 21st century, not to invade or destroy another sections FAITH by sheer Muscle POWER or BRUTE FORCE, the practice of MEDIEVAL AND FEUDAL PRACTICE.
Overmore , HINDUS should rectify and replace certain 'foreign Slang Logos' stamped on Bharat : they are the word 'HINDU ' itsef which is a Persian distortion of 'SINDHU' and signify Geographical/ehtnic character not RELIGION. Our Religion should be Re-named VEDANTIK OR SANATAN DHARMA [Swami Vivekananda advocated it more than a Century back]. Same Way , INDIA IS, I think, a GREEK - Slang / distotion and J. NEHRU should have reverted the name back to BHARAT (he had the power and POPULARITY), which is our REAL Identity (not India).That way Indian National CONGRESS is the sharp example of sticking to FEUDAL Habits. Indian...Nationa--Congress , all three words are proof of acceptance of COLONIA Bad-Habits. That way B.J.P has a better Record.

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