Sunday, September 19, 2010

AYODHYA -VERDICT : Is a time-Bomb Ticking ?

TRUTH MAY BE A POTENTIAL EXPLOSIVE : And singing for PEACE is, often, a handicapped's exposed incapabity. 24 TH Sept. -the Day of uncovering all mis-deeds of history and foul pLay of power-mongering Politics.
Bhart(slang-named -India ;approved by Nehru)was never country of Racia and communa gene.More than haalf om Muslims in this country was forced into conversion by selfish upper class of an Ethnic society called Hindus. Really , -what is HINDU ? Is a SANSKRIT or vedic (vedantic or Shaivic term)? Or a PERSIAN Slangg forced on a Conquared Nation ?
Bharat (I do not recognise the name -INDIA or Hindustan) , even unto Early 20th Century, did not know cimmunal enmity. I lived and grew up in a remote village where 95 % of population were Muslims (they were the product of Hindu-tyrany & 'don't touch' Culture of degenerating religious bigots) and I as a boy ,even lived in the house of my Muslim uncle , alone , during their religious festivals (Ids and Moharams).

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