Thursday, September 2, 2010


Naxals kill 1 abducted cop in Bihar, extend deadline for 3 others
Alok Pandey, Updated: September 02, 2010 21:48 IST
YES, Maoists are Indians and have Human-Rights .The POLICE man killed, - has got Human Rights too .A (Civil) Murderer on a street or in a Market or anywhere is INDIAN too !
Mr. GOVT, if yoy can not protect Your own Poicemen in action, just leave the Chair and go for exile, being disqualified for occupying 'that Chair'

Tragedy is that India has no Leader like Abe Lincoln of America ,who can stand STEEL-FIRM and Save the people and Unity Of the Country. But when impotency and poitical gambling take the upper hand , Democracy fails and fades away !

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