Saturday, September 25, 2010


Kashmir peace package: New interlocutors, discussion on 'disturbed areas'
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: September 26, 2010 :
--------------------------------------------Comment : Kasmir -Trouble was created, I think, by J.L.N. Now it is like Post=Polio paralysis/aftermath.Ayodhya verdict:
Chief Justice of India to hear deferment petition
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: September 25, 2010 14:45 IST
=========================omment: Where Cent. Govt is moving on CRUTCHES and 8 of 16 Judges are found 'dishonest' , well a UN-healthy tree can not give healthy fruit.
T.O.I, Kolkata, p-6 ;26 sept., 2010:"It is a Minor issur[ the foot bridge near the main game venue collapsed, injuring 27 workers]" I am not worried a all ' Said Uraban deveopment Minister:
==============Comment : He was never worried. ..They were only 27 workers.!People make so much noise for less important citizens !... Wait for greater show unltil the main Stadium happens to collapse. Game-lovers , are uou not heavily INSURED ?

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