Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ayodhya verdict: Allahabad High Court says divide land in 3 ways
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: September 30, 2010 21:50 IST
-------------------------------------------COMMENT :If Secularism is REAL OR if DEMOCRACY is real , there should be CONSTITUTIONAL Ammendment to declare that depending upon the religious pattern in a community there shoud be provision for integration of construction of TEMPlE , MOSQUE and CHURCH ( on the basis of Global Religions) in every Unit of Religious Institution. Let each one pray as his faith inspires him /her ,applying brute-force or ethnic habit.

That way , to day, BJP deserves Congratulation for Its re-birth as more Secular Poitical Organisation,as evident after its Stand on the Ayodhya Verdict.
On Cultural Depth the name itself (Bharatya Janata Party ) is more 'Bharatya' than some other Parties with Foreign('Indian' or Communist[ Samya vad ] still attached like mole or old scar. No, it is not ilegal , but shows 'it' is not yet cuturally 'free'.

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