Friday, October 1, 2010


Whether there is Calm on the surface or Maturity in the heart of 21st Century Indians, I think , nothing can be predicted too soon by any one unless and until the Intellctual Ego-centric Indians can do away with the mean attitude of Minority/ Majority Community -habit of thnking that wiil always help Poitical groups in EXPLOITING the situation for advantage . Indians are Indian Citizens, irrespective of majority-Minority sub -grouping and this is a vicious adjective which are so hepful for Sefish-Politics.
The anxiety for me is that , certain Media with Star -quality speaking skill is stoking the Ayodhya-Verdict -subsiding fire and its quiet poise , so much that the effect of such intellectual excitement and repeatative lumination may flare up the quiet nature of the present mood into some IED effect.

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