Monday, July 12, 2010


NDTV NEWS : India(to day) ; "Indian States worse off than Africa's 26 poorest Countries ".

INDIAN poor -Class poorer than 26 poorest Countries and West Bengal is included in the list.
What a 'proud feature of 21st century Economic Giant INDIA. What a Pardox and What a Shame and what a Credit to Indian POLITICAL LEADERS.
A Country with 1.2 Billion Population , yet not Qualified for UN-Security Membership. A Nation with Billions of YOUTHS yet not qualifie for WORLD - CUP ! THE Largest Democracy with 40 % or more below poverty Line.
A country with the heritage of VEDANTIC CULTURE yet, now infested with Corrupt Leaders and involve yet Rich in Sex- Scandal almost on Weekly basis , Molestation Political Administrator ( like in Haryana, ),
Cabinet Minister more interested in BCCI Commercial Enterprise than Ministerial Job .
And a Country with growing Billionairs and yet National Poverty worse tha 26 Poorest nations of AFRICA !..
.Three Cheers for All the Political Leaders ! ! ! ...or some more !

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