Friday, July 23, 2010


T.O.I. _ FRNT PAGE : "HOUSEWIVES No Good ? ....SC LIVID ....CENSUS Clubbs Them With PROSTITUTES As '. Non -Productive' ;

Page 9 :"Supreme Court frowned upon the Low compensation awarded to the family of Renu after her Death on the a house wife, she had no Income"
My Opinion (under 1st mendment ) : Not only "insensensitive and callous' [as one respectabe Judge expressed]. !. but the Census-report is BOGUS NON-SENSE.
The author of the 2001 Census report ,I think , should be sacked and sent to an asylum for recovery because, he does not know that his wife has worked for more hours and worthier capacity than his inefficient working hours for such defective assessment. He ,even,has included his own wife in .... 9shoul i finish ?
Even in USA ,now, it is accepted that a wife's job in the house and child-care are more works , quantum wise too, than 90 percent of office-works their husbands do.

And PROSTITUTES ? They are more honest , bold , worthy citizen and open Victims of Modern Civilisation and who, do not care to hide their misforune imposed by Modern society . In my urban life I have seen more camouflaged prostitutes at many level of Modern Socirty ,
The In-Charge of 2001 Census reprter should appoligise publicly and his wife should be awarded the whole of Pension in place of him because , she was always a harder and nobler worker than him [if he has/had a wife ].

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