Saturday, July 17, 2010


The MAOISTS Declaring Arms -revoution are also Indians.The Deprived and neglected ( for more than 60yrs)Tribals /backwards are also Indians. And present day billionaires and exploiters or politicians are also Indians . How one limb of a man growing huge with paralysis elsewhere be declared a Healthy Man.
Yet India is claiming that She is becoming an Economic Giant ( or Giant-ess ) . But whatever be the shape, she is not Mother India ! Before blaming the starving supporters or the Armed Intellectuals (Maoists), ask the political Leaders - why they were keeping 55 % of population poor (to day's news T.O.I, Kolkata) and abetting the minority rich class 's mammon-thirst for Mining and Land grabbing desire to get political support ?
TIME or History does not excuse conscious Nationa crimes.That's why India has always been enslaved by foreign Rulers for 2000 yrs.That's why a British shop-keeping Company ( East India Company ) could capture India over the heads of thousands or more of 'Shatanaj -ki - khelari nawabs/kings of India ; or Nadir Shah could plunder Somnath Temple more than Seven times !... .
Again , - are we not heading for the rule of ' X ' or 'Maoism'!

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