Sunday, July 18, 2010


The World War II Was started By GERMANY . The European Nations got involved and burnt in the fire......... The British Imperial govt got sucked in and fought until the End and came out winner and hen had to lose many of its imperial glories.
In Aftermath, Germany lost and was divided into two pieces ( east & West).
but that was the war-mongers' storey . The resultant post-war pathos, like Greek -Tragedy ,was that even India , though became 'Free' was also divided brutally into thee parts with Kashmir as a pathetic deformity.

That is , of course, not my subject of grief....! My grief and grievance is that Bengal my birth place within INDIA was butchered into parts by the Cruel Axe of Imperial and communal Politics.and I even as a boy was thrown out of one lap of Divided Bengal , unto other bleeding half and was 'Stamped' with a name - 'Refugee"..........
Now , when even Germany have been unified into ONE, the innocent Bengal remains dismembered and dis-figured into two i,e one part Bangla- Desh and the other nick-named as 'West Bengal', sounding so peculiar like some "genetic Disorder'.

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