Friday, July 9, 2010


INDIA was , perhaps , never designed for Poor Mass or Common People.

In FEUDAL India, the Artisans who crafted Taj-mahal, had their fingers chopped off, (I read).

In British - India , In DELHI , RAJ PATH and JAN PATH near India -Gate , were designed to Cross each other at 90 -degree angle. So was the aftermath history.

In West Bengal almost Weekly Strikes are designed as 'Political Tool' to make common people suffer, blocking and threatening and punishing the common man and daily wagers , for political strength-measuring research and for more Noise/ news and publicity than Public service.

Now in Kanpur, PM's Security System , with heightened enthusiasm blocks the public way [NDTV -News ,to-day] leading to death of an eight year old boy, needing Emergency Hospital Service .(Other examples are VVIP ' s 'Royal ' movements throughout the Country ).

So ! - when was INDIA designed for the Common Man ? - An who can prove or improve my IQ ? ?

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