Wednesday, July 28, 2010


When half of voters are absenting from voting in Eection -time and of the other half, voting is shared by too many paties with variable interests, other than National, the out come and fate of the NATION becomes uncertain.
The aftermath of such Elections is stitching up of regional or rmotivated Parties to make Majority to exploit rather than to serve, when the Prime Minister or Leader of any such patch up or stitched up majority fail to command from the position of Majority support , as a Leader.
Such Govt can not lead for long time nor bring forward any progress or stabity becuse he is also a part of the stitched Govt or united front.

It woud be so much better and ideal if in such Democracy of 'Stitched Majority - set up , the Prime minister could have to be from all parties or even outside with obligatory Majority support of Votes of elected members or people as a whole and with freedom to choose his own ministers.
In short let the PM be a HYBRID -type or a synthesis of American President and Indian PM i.e with more power and expansive Democracy, without being bound by fragmented group-Political support.

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