Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lokpal Bill draft places emphasis on NGOs

New Delhi:  For some, it's an attempt by politicians to underscore that those who fight against corruption must be willing to be held accountable to the same standards.

So the final draft of the new Lokpal Bill suggests that non-government organizations or NGOs should be answerable to the new ombudsman agency that the bill births and is named after. The nine-member Lokpal will be empowered to investigate complaints of corruption among government servants. And NGOs who are registered to receive foreign funds and donations.
NGOs shoud not objects ,if they have a clean slate and back ground.Some Local NGOs and Tax-dree organisations take t donations , ike PUJA-TIME  Collections, without  verifiable ACCOUNTS.

let any camouflaged  corrupt loop holes be closed  or  sealed.

If  I was a MULTI-CRORE PATI,, Even I woud be  weclomed  with festive  GRAND  
2G case: Kanimozhi leaves jail, greeted by fireworks at homeRECEPTION, when coming out of  5-Star Tihar Jail.                                                                                 
BUT    " No body cares for me  and I don't care foe any body"
                                                 --Charles Dickens
"Floral  bouquet-festivity is  a  GREAT   Modern "Washing  Machine" !   -pibi


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