Saturday, November 19, 2011

After man dies in rush to catch train, Railways to set up emergency rooms at stations


New Delhi:  The Railways have decided to put in place a quick response mechanism in five stations in New Delhi to rescue any passenger, after a person recently died in a mishap at Hazrat Nizamuddin terminal.
RESPONSE : [ That's How The  RAILWAY   RUNS   & ditch  Doctor-Passengers as Victims.]

Once in a Rajdhani Train  an NRI  Doctor was Traveling as a tourist ( without even a stetho). suddeny a Railway official came  and asked if there was a doctor in the  train . The doctor  said  that he was.
The official --please come  ther is a patient with suspected heart attack.
  Doc --I have no Stetho-  nor any emergency kit, nor Syringe or injection.  Have you those things in the train.
Th Officia  -' No sir, but just come -please to help '.
 The  doctor went with him , found the man dead  and had to get  down at Dhanbad   as he had certified his DEATH,( and  suffered  in being a train where thee was no Emergency Kit  and not even a Stetho, leave aside 3injections  in emergency). that doctor learnt  a lesson and never more  made the same mistake of wrting Dr., prefixing his name, (this is partly a  true  story  and  with a Scenario build-up).

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