Monday, December 5, 2011

Phanibhusan Basu to NeelasuranjanaDevjitRana
show details 6:49 AM (0 minutes ago)
Noting new !
In 1883  Sri RAMAKRISHNA TOLD ABOUT  and  life there also when the whole UNIVERSE was limited within our single GALAXY. And the world -Scientists laughed loud about about an Indian Sage's Observations !
In 1886 , Radio-Telescope  was--discovered and   --- by new-tech. and after computation Scientist admitted that 10 percent of SOLAR SYSTEM might have PLANETS like Earth. 
SINCE, the Universe has expanded to MULTI-GALAXY -- then to Mega Universe  and Now to "ENDLESS-UNIVERSE  To  ---EVERY  SECOND  BIG_BANG AND  CYCLIC  and ETERNAL COSMOS.
      From  Alpha century to  URSULA--47 to habitable  Planets it has developed  up to date.
What remains to be accepted is that  ; I .  For life Carbon-base may not be essential--nor water  . II.   THERE  COULD  BE  SILL ICON -MAN  in Neighbouring  Planet or  in other parallel Universes.  III.  What we declared DEAD  PLANET may not be  really  'DEAD' !
If Virus can live with DNA only and without a physical body , why cant we live , after DEATH, live on a Dead planet with our real identity i.e soul or individualised Collective Consciousness  of C.J Yung ?, (our rea  Identity !)
[I have  been  following all these info-s . and  have another thing --my FAITH-- that I will not die even after 'DEATH'. Only thing - I can't prove-- if challenged.
Einstein too could not prove the bending of Light by Gravitation Until it was proved 17 years  later by Eddington during World War -II  , by direct observation. Finally :
"There  are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in  your philosophy" -Shakespeare.

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