Saturday, November 12, 2011

[Hegde's Karnataka Report & aftermath]

Now  both Corruption and Politics are  absorbing sports 
like Chess or   name them  as 2G or  CWG , if such names 
please your spirit and get you glued  in Modern time
to the Media Prints or  Screen of myriad  'Visual  dance'.

Who  is  honest or clean and who is not ?
Borrowed from Shakespeare , may  I repeat , again 
"that is the question." !  drowning a NATION and all
Two  big  brothers on whom, -we  have to depend  for long
have more to hide , now , than to assure  us with.

C B D  or D C B  or   B D C  or  any other way 
you may set the board   yet they   seem to end 
in  the final shape or result, where  Gandi's Face 
on the bills  are bound and turned all  BLACK'

Even Shakespeare is no match  for this AGE , as Bard
Shylock  and Brutus now, -mere Simpletons
Hamlet  could only  cry  out --"Rats --and rats'
while vultures and sharks  are now prying for prey !

"King  , you are naked , " -- even the child could see
but the sycophants must  sing the  'scripted  songs '.

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