Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Since  in  1960 -s   I  learnt   that   Cricket -game   in India  incurs  a  huge National  Labor-hour   -loss   in  every  Match (  then  5-days ' -match )   I  was  against  Cricket ( grasshopper) as  a  Game .
And   gave  up  the  desire  of  listening   to   Radio -broad  cast  and  started   recording  against  in  my  Diary,
Since the    days  of   " Match -  fixing "   and  " Spot -  fixing "  Scandals , I  developed  a  ' auto-genus -hatred '   against  this   Grass -  Hopper -Game  of  Feudal  and Colonial   Origin.
But   I  could  not  forget  ( in  one  of  such Matches )  the    famous  comment  of   some  Vizy (? )  which was    "  The  Score - board    is  an   Ass ").
 - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -  -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -  - - - - - -
I  don't   know   yet     why  last  night    after   I  learnt  about    the  ELECTION -Results  and  then  in  my   DREAM    I   saw  a  Cricket   Game  and heard  that   voice  :

 "  The  Score-Board   is  an  ass "  !
I think , I  must    consult   by   Family - Physician or  a  psychiatrist .

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