Sunday, April 5, 2015

" Should be " is perhaps a ghost word or some thing like 'alien ' in this present Time .
How can the Top be 'perfect ' if the 'Base ' or ' Foundation ' is ---------- ? ? 

Where  a B.P.L  can   not  register  an  F.I.R  without  being  beaten   up  by   Village  -Gang  or    Political  'long -arms '   or  where    he  / she   can  never  get the  FINAL   JUSTICE  without   going  through    lower  to  highest  Courts  without  selling  his    Life-Saving   and even   then  without  a  few  DECADES  spent ,  how   even any  good   or  PERFECT  judge  can  offer  him  RIGHT   JUSTICE unless   he  is  already  nearing  his  Samshaan -Ghaat  i.e  Funeral  Pyre  ?? !!
'Judiciary Should be Both Powerful and Perfect': PM Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that while the judiciary is getting powerful, it is necessary that it also becomes "perfect" to live up to the expectations of the people.
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