Wednesday, May 18, 2011

'OVERSIGHT ; HOME & ABROAD - India issue

Article Comments: Read | Post Most-wanted list goof up, an oversight by Mumbai police: Chidambaram
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: May 18, 2011 19:17 IST
"Most - wanted list goof up,an oversight"
Comment : At last admitted by Home minister, India .
In UNO, Foreign Mininister reads Portugal's 'Speech' - by oversight !
What is happening ! and what a meesage for the world !!
Most-wanted list goof-up: CBI accepts mistake, takes action

NDTV Correspondent, Thursday May 19, 2011, New Delhi
Comment : What an ID-Face of CBI !
And unless under Supreme Court for all the time ,-How many more!
CBI's third goof-up: Wanted man in NIA custody

NDTV Correspondent, Thursday May 19, 2011, New Delhi
More »

After Wazhul Khan, another person on the most-wanted list found in India

NDTV Correspondent, Thursday May 19, 2011, New Delhi
Comment : ENCORE !!!!!!!

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