Monday, May 16, 2011

Brain - Computer - Life etc (after Stephen Hawking)

Article Comments 'No heaven, no afterlife,' says Stephen Hawking
Press Trust of India, Updated: May 16, 2011 15:22 -.
OPINION :Heaven as ' physical space' is a myth but Heaven as vibratiing field of wave-length is possible , just as 'Hyper-space & Dark Energy' is now 'science'.
And ' no after-life' for physical body is ,perhaps, true but renewal[re-cycling] of Cosmic Intelligence in Conscious -man is a possibility [similar to E=M.C/square).And Consciousness is not,perhaps,a material energy but out-flow of Cosmic Intelligence.

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark" he added.

Opinion :
Brain may be like a computer but 'LIFE 'is neither a computer nor 'brain' only ; but brain + 'some' things more.[cf;- Schrodinger's "what is Life]
There is no heaven nor after-life for a broken down computer . True ! nor for for our worn-out physical body.
When a computer is broken 'Information-potential' neither dies nor is destroyed but leaves the machine. Sameway, -when body dies and the brain is dead , the individual Consciousness leaves the dead brain or body to return back to Source.

Hyperspace (of M-Theory ) has no matter in it but potential energy. Also in heaven there is no space for physical bosy nor a scope for its repair.
Cosmic Intelligence that imparts conscious-intelligence to life may travel even to Hyperspace {Membrane Theory ]without a repaired body.

Many people are not afraid of 'the dark'( Death) and 'Dark Energy' may be the source of the 'measurable Universe even ' or even simulate 'heaven' like in 'String ' theory.

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