Friday, October 8, 2010


Four blind men offering inference on the bio-metry of an Elephant. That is the famous story told by SriRamakrishna to his disciples in 19th Centiuey (1980s).
That fits ,interestingly and seperately , to the Modern FOUR Fields i.e Gravitational ,E.M.F.,Weak Nuclear and strong Nuclear forces . In post Einstein Era attempts are being made and Scientific analysis are on and on and on to Co-ralate, integrate and Unify them to-wrds the final T.O E.
My , lay man's, insinuation is different. It is on Indian Field of BLIND MANS RELIGION. For last few months I am obcessed by the way the Puranic Reliigion or HINDUISM ( is there really a vedic Logo in the name of HINDU ? Or is it an INVADESR'(PERSIAN) distortion of our geographical Space and Ethnic CULTURE (SINDHU). Personally , I do not believe that I am not a Hindu though the essence of the reigion is deeply integated in me. Now to the main ISSUE:
There is a sanskrit 'Mantra' that is mostly recited as a Devotional Prayer in all
prayer meeting of every 'Hindu'-sects and Ritualisticaly ! It is :
"Akhanda Mandalakaarang byaptang jena Chara-charang // Tat -padang Darshitang Jena, Tasmai sri Gurabey Namo-ha" . Attempting to translate in English it comes closet to : Akhanda ie Indivisible; Mandalakarang = Spherical ; Byaptang jena Characharang = exteded ,as if , unto Eternity.
Now the the real meaning of this Mantra to me is like : "the Indivisibe and sphrical (Universe) that extends unto ETERNITY and the MASTER ( GURU) who shows me the feet of THAT , I salute that, my, Great Master or GURU.

Now ,after, I know this much with my limited capacity ,I naturally salute all the Vedic and vedantic Sages and also EINSTEIN and Cosmologists who are searching for the final protrait of COSMOS and its 'DESIGNER' or the First Cause.
Finally this 'Sloka' uttered in pre-Christrian Era by Vyasa DEVA (?) or a post Vedic Sage, and which stands almost on the same level of Einstein's Theory, has never been realy studied by Indian Scholars in depth and meaning but have been handed over to the ritualistic PUJA-Brahmis as a tranquilising therapy without knowing the real meaning of this GREAT MESSAGE.

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