Thursday, October 21, 2010


Wasn't consulted but I approve of EMAAR bailout, says Jaipal Reddy
Sandeep Phukan, Updated: October 21, 2010 18:20 IST
===============COMMENT : approve , when there is profit; Procedure is not important.
Sonia, Rahul should get new speech writers: BJP
Press Trust of India, Updated: October 21, 2010 21================
COMMENT :In reality , Bollywood Actors perfoor their acting much better than some 'lead' Politicians who do never speak from heart but repeat from 'Speech - Writers' Script.Most Poitiians, I think, are professional 'Actors' on Socio-Poitical stage, in modern time.
Shared all information on Headley with India: US
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: October 22, 2010 12:30 IST
============COMMENT :U.S.A should know that without this 'Sharing'., this Nation , I think, is almost like a crippled chid

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