Saturday, March 14, 2015

" TEMPLE S ARE THE ABODE OF GODS : Swamy" ----- The T.O .I . Kolkata , Sinday , March 15, 201

"  TEMPLE S   ARE  THE  ABODE OF    GODS  : Swamy" -----  The  T.O .I . Kolkata , Sinday , March   15, 2015 ; P  13
It  sounds  like a CONFUSING     Statements  even if  it is  by  a STALWART !!
'Gods '  - pleural !  
-- NO  ! 
How  many  gods  are  there  for  this   single Planet (  Earth ) ??
To  me , ' God ' is  only  an Anglo-saxon  logo in  Roman  Script and    may  mean  all  forms   of  Divinity  out  of  our  Conscious-soul  and  should  cover  SHIVA, ALLAH , RAMA   JEHOVA  and  all  Tribal  and  prehistoric   gods , provided   they have  no  Biological  Belly-button . 
And  the  REAL  GOD  or  DIVINE  (or  First  Cause) who  gave   us  the  COSMOS  with  trillions  of  Galaxies  and  zillions  of  SUN-s , do  need  neither  temple  nor  mosque  nor  Church   as  'Tourist  lodge  or Guest House.'
For  , ALL-   really  all  that  exists  ( Mutable or Immutable ) are  within  GOD [ not  HE --nor  SHE  - nor  IT  for   THAT  is  the  AUTHOR  OF   PURE  IMMUTABLE   CONSCIOUSNESS,  fractional  decimals   of  which   make  us   conscious  living  tools [Cf : - slices  of  Sun- shine  make  us   feel  as  if  they  are  separate  and  our  property  too]
Finally :  DIVINE is  ONE  and  ONLY   and IT  is    everywhere  and  everything  is  within  'THAT'  ; even our  Cosmos .

Yet , temple   are  necessary   because   evolving   Homo sa pien  children  need  symbolic  Toy-s  for  their   Joy  and  evoving .
And  that is , -- both  religion  and Science  too,  I  think .
Composed  : 15/03/ 2015

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