Friday, December 23, 2011

Cabinet's 4.5% quota for minorities aimed at UP, BJP objects

New Delhi:  The dates for the Uttar Pradesh election are likely to be announced today. In a move designed purely to appeal to the state's considerable Muslim population, the cabinet has cleared a 4.5% minority quota within the existing 27% OBC quota for government jobs and universities. 
"I accuse"- Zola

IN  BHARAT, ( I think, the term 'India' is a Greek-Invader's slang and as such should be written off )
there no Muslim  or Hindu or majority nor minority , nor OBC nor any religious divide (I think).
There  is only two Classes i.e APL ( Above Poverty Line ) and BPL(Below Poverty line). 
All other classifications , I think, divides or divisions for Political gains or Socio-ethnic cum economic exploitations.
 64  years of  freedom was long enough time  to integrate and unify all racial and religious divides into one sect called  'Bharat-vasi". At least we could have been PRO-ACTIVE  in our ideal and effort. Whatever it is now, Minority and religious  issues should not be allowed to be used as an INSTRUMENT  for POLITICAL  GAINS or manoeuvre. 

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