Tuesday, October 25, 2011


NEWS -RESPONSE---by----Pibi
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Ms Bedi has accepted that as a guest speaker for firms and organisations, she billed her hosts for business class tickets while flying economy - she says the difference was credited to the NGO she heads, India Vision Foundation. -------------
Agnivesh has alleged that Mr Kejriwal diverted 80 lakhs worth of donations from the anti-corruption movement fronted by Anna to another trust.In a blog posted last night,
Anna defended both Mr Kejriwal and Ms Bedi and said that a "gang of four" within the government is focusing on the "character assassination" of activists who are fighting to combat corruption. For NDTV Updates, follow us on Twitter or join us on Facebook
Story first published:
October 25, 2011 18:31 IST
Committing an immoral act & then re-funding , -when exposed ,is no good MORAL defense.
Agnivesh seems more 'mammon-type' than saintly, I think.
ANNAJI 's supporting wrong/doubtful acts of his aides ,is saddening ' on NATIONAL FRAME OF REFERENCE'.
CAESAR must not only be proved honest but also look so (including his family members).

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