Thursday, October 20, 2011


Jayalalithaa arrives in 20-car convoy, answers questions in Bangalore court
Radhika Iyer, Thursday October 20, 2011, Bangalore
what is happening to this sick Nation !
Roads and Avenues blocked for JUDICIAL -SHOWS !
Half of the police force of the NATION ,now , protecting some criminals or corrupt.
Dozens od ICU-s or Air-Conditioed Jails kept ready for Corrupt Leaders !
HALF of the NEWS -SPACE filled up with " Face book''-show or Black -Biographies of CORRUPT LEADERS of a NATION. ------_----_---------------
Is it the FNAL STORY of GNDHI'S INDIA, with Gandhi's Face looking dark and stained on
Cash-for- vote 'NOTES' ! !
JAY HO ! Modern Bharat !

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