Monday, July 4, 2011

"EVER NON-COMMITTED " : - (India Issue)

"Govt. not committed to any timeline to clear bill' - The Times Of India, Kolkata, Tuesday , July 5, 2011; P - 7
Mr. minister is right,- all most hundred percent.
His Govt was almost never , I think, Committed to any timeline to clear any Bill and that's why our Nation is SLIDING down so fast and we all are suffering !
" Damage Control : Singh calls up Bangla PM : T.O.I, Kolkata , Tuesday, July 5 ; Front page :
Comment :
Sometimes, - the more one speaks , more times one might have to rush for 'damage cntrol'. That 's why it is said ; " sience is gold "
After Manishankar's disclosure on C.W G-Kalmadi Case , and therecent Press-meeting, this is becoming more evident.

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