Friday, April 2, 2010


Right of not left to Starve is inseparably linked with Right to Education .
A Starving son of unemployed father has the first right to go out in search of food , even if Right to education is a noble Right offered by a Govt.
It is easy to declare great and good 'rights ' while half fed 45 percent are spending 24x7 period just a belly full of meals at least once a day.

While 70 lakh crores of Rupees are lying locked away from the reach of Starving Mass, in SWISS BANK VAULTS , that can afford RIGHT TO EDUCATION overnight to all left out starving children .
Showing or promising the moon beyond the REACH is like dream-story or tranquilising approach, until the infrastructure for Right to Education is solidly established by the Authority on a planned basis..

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